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书名:Unexpected Guest 不速之客(阿加莎侦探小说)
A young man, broken down in the fog, witnesses a murder he is asked to conceal...A full-length novel adapted by Charles Osborne from Agatha Christie's acclaimed play. When a stranger runs his car into a ditch in dense fog in South Wales and makes his way to an isolated house, he discovers a woman standing over the dead body of her wheelchair-bound husband, gun in her hand. She admits to murder, and the unexpected guest offers to help her concoct a cover story. But is it possible that Laura Warwick did not commit the murder after all? If so, who is she shielding? The victim's retarded young half-brother or his dying matriarchal mother? Laura's lover? Perhaps the father of the little boy killed in an accident for which Warwick was responsible? The house seems full of possible suspects! THE UNEXPECTED GUEST is considered to be one of the finest of Christie's plays. Hailed as 'another Mousetrap' when it opened on 12 August 1958 in the West End, it ran for 604 performances over the succeeding 18 months and has been staged many times around the world over the last 40 years.
一个崩溃在雾中的年轻人,在目睹了一场谋杀后被要求隐瞒真相。一篇由Charles Osborne改编自Agatha Christie的长篇小说受到了极大的欢迎。故事发生在南威尔士。一个陌生的旅行者在浓雾中将车开进了路边的沟渠里,并且使得他到达了一幢与世隔绝的房屋。他发现了一个手里拿枪的女人,正站在她的坐轮椅的丈夫的尸体旁边。那个女人承认自己的谋杀行为,而这位不速之客却愿意帮她捏造一个故事出来。不过可不可能其实Laura Warwick并没有犯下她所说的罪行?如果真的是这样,她企图包庇谁呢?是受害者那个有着智力缺陷的同父异母的兄弟,抑或是他那年长的母亲?或者是Laura的情人?或许是Warwick应负责任的一起事故中死去的男孩的父亲?这幢房子看上去充满了嫌疑。《不速之客》被看作是作者Christie写出的最好的戏剧之一。当它在1958年八月12号正式上演时,这本书被誉为“另一本《捕鼠器》”,在18个月内上演了604场,取得了巨大的成功,并且在过去的40年内,《不速之客》在全世界范围内多次上演。 本帖最后由 冷泉泓薇 于 2011-10-10 23:42 编辑
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