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Scene: an English houseparty. As in a nightmare, Clarissa, wife of a foreign diplomat, finds a body in her drawing room. Desperate to dispose of it before her husband brings home an important politician, she enlists the help of her guests. The search for the murderer is interrupted by a police inspector who must be convinced that everything is cricket. --This text refers to the Audio Cassette edition.
A full-length novel by Charles Osborne adapted from Agatha Christie's stage play, in which a diplomat's wife finds a body that mustn't be discovered...Following BLACK COFFEE and THE UNEXPECTED GUEST comes the final Agatha Christie play novelisation, bringing her superb storytelling to a new legion of fans. Clarissa, the wife of a Foreign Office diplomat, is given to daydreaming. 'Supposing I were to come down one morning and find a dead body in the library, what should I do?' she muses. Clarissa has her chance to find out when she discovers a body in the drawing-room of her house in Kent. Desperate to dispose of the body before her husband comes home with an important foreign politician, Clarissa persuades her three house guests to become accessories and accomplices. It seems that the murdered man was not unknown to certain members of the house party (but which ones?), and the search begins for the murderer and the motive, while at the same time trying to persuade a police inspector that there has been no murder at all!
外交官夫人克拉丽莎喜欢开玩笑,又是一个异想天开的幻想家,有一天她对来访的朋友们预言道,“如果有一天早晨我下楼来,在书房里发现一具尸体,我该怎么办?”不料就在她突发奇想不久,在自家的客厅里真的出现了一具尸体……此时,她的丈夫即将带回来一位重要的外国贵宾,为此,克拉丽莎费力说服了来她家里的三位客人帮忙,企图暂时掩饰这起命案……没想到事与愿违,不知道是谁恶作剧还是深藏阴谋,竟匿名给警方打了告密电话,两位警官不请自来。克拉丽莎施尽浑身解数,然而事件越来越复杂,她周围熟悉的人一个个又都似乎陌生起来,每个人的真实身份和意图似乎都在刻意隐瞒,下一个受害者会是谁?谁又是真正的罪犯…… 本帖最后由 此间青回 于 2011-10-4 09:28 编辑
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