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本书讲述的是一个两千多岁的长寿者伍德罗的故事。作为长寿者组成的霍华德家族的族长,他领导了人类逃离状态日益恶化的地球、向外星殖民的“大散居”运动 。在漫长的一生中,他经历过阴谋、战斗,探索过从未有人涉足的行星,享受过生活的幸福。
The Lives of the Senior Member of the Howard Families (Woodrow Wilson Smith; Ernest Gibbons; Captain Aaron Sheffield; Lazarus Long; "Happy" Daze; His Serenity Seraphin the Younger, Supreme High Priest of the One God in All His Aspects and Arbiter Below and Above; Proscribed Prisoner No. 83M2742; Mr. Justice Lenox; Corporal Ted Bronson; Dr. Lafe Hubert; and others), Oldest Member of the Human Race. This Account is based principally on the Senior's Own Words as recorded at many times and places and especially at the Howard RejUvenation Clinic and at the Executive Palace in New Rome on Secundus in Year 2053 After the Great Diaspora (Gregorian Year 4272 of Old Home Terra)-and supplemented by letters and by eyewitness accounts, the whole then arranged, collated, condensed, and (where possible) reconciled with official records and contemporary histories, as directed by the Howard Foundation Trustees and executed by the Howard Archivist Emeritus. The result is of unique historical importance despite the Archivist's decision to leave in blatant falsehoods, self-serving allegations, and many amoral anecdotes not suitable for young persons.
On the Writing of History
History has the relation to truth that theology has to religion-i.e., none to speak of.
-L.L. 本帖最后由 十里丹青 于 2012-2-1 21:27 编辑
总评分: 威望 + 1
金币 + 20
+ 1