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鲜花( 35) 鸡蛋( 1) |
An Imperial listening station's psykers laps into death seizures when someone from the
planet Khadar sends a mortis-cry. However, intelligence says there is no expedition, no
life, no anything on the uninhabited desert planet. Yet there is no mistaking the enigmatic
call for help. The 892nd Regiment is sent to investigate.
The 892nd is a new regiment. It is compiled from the Turenag and Banna Alliances. This
creates a huge rift between soldiers due to the fact that the two alliances have been
enemies for too many centuries to bother counting. Colonel Nisri Dakar (Turenag) and
Lieutenant Colonel Turk Iban Salid (Banna) have a hard time keeping their men from killing
each other. The two leaders can barely tolerate each other, much less control their people.
However, Commissars Rezail and Tyrell keep them all under control or simply execute the
ones causing problems.
Trouble multiplies when (later christened) Cavern Balilica is located. Cavern Balilica
holds layers of rich, verdant jungle. It is filled with an eco-system unlike any other seen
before; and both alliances want permission to colonize Khadar. Most, but not all, hatreds
are put aside when a new threat arrives in the form of a Tyranid Horde. |
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