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鲜花( 35) 鸡蛋( 1) |
Emperor’s Mercy is a book based on the Warhammer 40000 game system and deals with the war
between the forces of Chaos and those of the Emperor. However rather than reading about the
Imperial Space Marines coming to the rescue of citizens, this one deals with the forces of
Chaos going after artifacts and an Emperor’s Inquisitor attempting to prevent Chaos from
attaining the artifacts.
Inquisitor Obadiah Roth has been called to the Medina Corridor to search for the Old Kings,
a mysterious ancient artifact that most don't believe exists. At the same time, the
Ironclads, a group of Chaos warriors, begin a system-wide assault on the Medina Corridor,
ravaging the planets and their populations. I
Roth, along with his side kick Silverstein, head to the Medina system and begin the search,
fighting the forces of Chaos the whole way, at the same time dealing with a traitor in
their own midst and an admiral who doesn't want the Inquisition's help. Moving from planet
to planet, the mystery unfolds as the casualty list grows higher. |
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