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签到天数: 1657 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老 - 金币
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鲜花( 18) 鸡蛋( 0) |
本帖最后由 碧落千寻里 于 2018-6-23 17:07 编辑
December 23, 2012
Language: English
Ethan Parker gets up every day, surviving the only way he knows how - alone. Orphaned as a child and forced into the child welfare system, he knows better than to depend on anyone but himself. He's learned trust is a word used all too often, but rarely earned. Ethan believes that his best chance for maintaining a simple and solitary existence is to live by a simple mantra: Don't get involved. Keep things simple. Take care of yourself! When a young woman moves in next door, Ethan is forced to reevaluate his beliefs. He tries to keep his distance, but his new neighbor's infectious smile and outlook on life leave him struggling with the decision of living the life he knows, or taking a chance on the unexpected. As Ethan develops a relationship with his new neighbor, Emily, he realizes nothing is simple and learns that life is about more than just surviving... it's about living.
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