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 鲜花( 35)  鸡蛋( 1) |
After the funeral of the wealthy Richard Abernethie, his remaining family assembles for the reading of
the will. The death, though sudden, was not unexpected and natural causes have been given as the cause
on his death certificate. Nevertheless, after the tactless Cora says, "It was hushed up very nicely ...
but he was murdered, wasn't he?" the family lawyer, Mr. Entwhistle, begins to investigate. Before long
there is no question that a murderer is at large.
After returning home from her brother's funeral, Cora Lansquenet is murdered in her sleep by repeated
blows with a hatchet. The motive for the murder does not appear to be theft, and the estate that she
leaves to her relative, Susan Banks, is comparatively meagre, since the Abernethie bequest is folded
back into the estate of her brother, Richard. The suspected motive is therefore to suppress anything
that Richard might have told Cora about his suspicions that he was being poisoned. These had been
overheard by her companion, Miss Gilchrist. |
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