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鲜花( 35) 鸡蛋( 1) |
Superintendent Spence informs Belgian detective Hercule Poirot of the case of Mrs. McGinty, an elderly lady who was apparently killed by her lodger, James Bentley, for thirty pounds that she kept under a floorboard. Bentley is soon to be executed for the crime, but Spence does not think he is guilty. Poirot agrees to go to the town of Broadhinny and investigate the murder further. Poirot finds that Mrs. McGinty often worked at the houses of people in the village. No one wants to talk to Poirot, and most agree Bentley is the killer. Eventually, Poirot finds a newspaper article which discusses to current whereabouts of people connected with famous murder cases, that also includes photographs of them. Poirot concludes Mrs. McGinty recognized one of the photographs in someone's house. Someone then killed her to keep their identity concealed. Poirot and Spence, using the ages of people in the town, conclude that someone is either Lily Gamboll, who committed murder with a meat cleaver as a child, or Eva Kane, who had been the love interest who inspired a man to murder his wife and bury her in the cellar. Another possibility is that someone is Evelyn Hope, the daughter of Eva Kane. |
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