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Herman Melville was the celebrated author of several big 19th-century novels about the sea. Moby-Dick (1851), the story of the fanatical Captain Ahab and his hunt for the great white whale of the title, is now considered one of the classics of American literature. Melville's other novels include Typee (1846), Omoo (1847), and Billy Budd (published posthumously in 1924). Melville published little after 1860 and it wasn't until the 1900s that he gained his reputation as one of early America's great authors.
Captain Ahab hates Moby Dick--“the white devil”--because he lost a leg to the white whale in a fight. Now Ahab, the captain of a whaling ship,can only think of one thing.He has to find Moby Dick and kill him.
Many of the other sailors on the ship don't know about their captain's plan.Ishmael is a young sailor and this is his first whaling job. He and his new friend,Queequeg,sail with Captain Ahab on this exciting-and dagerous--trip.Also on the ship are Starbuck,Srubb,and other whalers from different countries.He is prepared to sacrifice everything, including his life, the lives of his crew members, and even his ship to find and destroy his nemesis
赫尔曼·梅尔维尔 ,Herman Melville, 1819-1891,生於纽约。父亲经营进口生意,起初业务兴隆,后破产,卒於一八三二年,遗下妻子儿女(后移居纽约州奥尔巴尼)。在亲戚的援助下,勉强维生。梅尔维尔曾在银行工作,也教过书。一八四一年搭捕鲸船阿库什尼特号去南太平洋以前。曾以船上侍者身分去过一次利物浦。一八四二年他在马克萨斯岛弃船潜逃,碰到吃人的野人,后来搭澳洲捕鲸船离开群岛。其后他又到塔希提岛和檀香山闯过一阵子江湖,於一八四四年乘美国号快速带帆战舰返美。开始根据航海经历从事写作∶《泰皮》(Typee, 1846),《欧穆》(Omoo, 1847,他於是年结婚),两书均受欢迎;《玛地》(Mardi, 1849)、《雷得本》(Redburn, 1849),《白外衣》(White-Jacket, 1850),《白鲸记》(Moby Dick, 1851),《皮埃尔》(Pierre, 1852)。其后逐渐放弃写作生涯,但也完成若乾短篇,其中六篇收集在《广场故事》里(Piazza Tales, 1856),和另外两部小说,《伊斯雷尔·波特》(Israel Potter, 1855)和《骗子的化装表演》(The Confidence-Man, 1857)。他随后转而写诗,其中大部分包括长诗《克拉瑞尔》 (Clarel, 1876)在内,系由私人出版。一八六六至一八八五年在纽约任海关检查员;终於退休,静度馀年,临终前数月写成《毕利·伯德》(Billy Budd),直到一九二四年才出版。
《白鲸》作者:[美]赫尔曼.麦尔维尔著/译者:曹庸 |
总评分: 威望 + 1
金币 + 18