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Historia Calamitatum: The Story of My Misfortunes
作 者:彼得·阿贝拉德
Peter Abelard
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
The Historia Calamitatum, written in 1132 or soon after, is one of the first autobiographical works in medieval Western Europe, written in the form of a letter with distinct echoes of Augustine's Confessions. Ihis book was written at a time when Western Europe was just surfacing into the world of philosophy. It is one of the most readable documents to survive from the period, and as well as presenting a remarkably frank self-portrait, is a valuable account of intellectual life in Paris before the formalization of the University, of the intellectual excitement of the period, of monastic life and of one of the history's most famous love stories that in some respects deserves its long reputation.
彼得·阿贝拉德(Peter Abelard,约1080-1142)是一位哲学家、神学家和在巴黎研究和教书的教师。当他快到40岁的时候,他爱上了他的一个学生,修道院一位官员的侄女,20岁的年轻女子赫罗伊斯。他们私通后生了一个儿子,而他们是秘密结婚的。赫罗伊斯的叔叔很愤怒,雇了两个凶手在一个夜晚闯入阿贝拉德的屋里阉割了他。两个恋人被分开后,阿尔拉德进入了修道院,而赫罗伊斯则在附近的修女院中当了修女。阿贝拉德继续他的哲学写作,成为一个著名的哲学家和神学家。后来他为60个修女建立了一座新的修女院,赫罗伊斯在那里任院长。阿贝拉德作为一名教师经常访问那里。他被葬在那里,而他的“前妻,现在是基督的修女”的赫罗伊斯,后来也埋葬在他的身边。
Peter Abelard (1079-1142) was one of the great intellectuals of the 12th century, with especial importance in the field of logic. His tendency to disputation is perhaps best demonstrated by his book Sic et Non, a list of 158 philosophical and theological questions about which there were divided opinions. This dialectical method of intellectual reflection -- also seen in Gratian's approach to canon law -- was to become an important feature of western education and distinguishes it sharply from other world cultures such as Islam and the Confucian world. Abelard's mistake was to leave the questions open for discussion and so he was repeatedly charged with heresy. For a long period all his works were included in the later Iindex of Forbidden Books. He is perhaps as famous today for his love affair with Heloise (1100/01-1163/4) and its disastrous consequences, which resulted in her giving birth to son (called Astrolabe), to Abelard's castration by Heloise's angry relatives, and to both their retreats to monastic life. Heloise was one of the most literate women of her time, and an able administrator: as a result her monastic career was notably successful. Abelard, a intellectual jouster throughout his life was notably less happy as a monk. He incurred the displeasure and enmity of abbots, bishops, his own monks, a number of Church councils and St. Bernard of Clairvaux . The last months of his life were spent under the protection of Peter the Venerable of Cluny, where he died. The tomb of Abelard and Heloise can now be visited in the Pére Lachaise cemetery in Paris.
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