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本帖最后由 见著紫衣初 于 2012-11-12 14:36 编辑
A deliciously satirical attack on a money-mad society, Vanity Fair, which first appeared in 1847, is an immensely moral novel, and an immensely witty one. Called in its subtitle "A Novel Without a Hero," Vanity Fair has instead two heroines: the faithful, loyal Amelia Sedley and the beautiful and scheming social climber Becky Sharp. It also engages a huge cast of wonderful supporting characters as the novel spins from Miss Pinkerton's academy for young ladies to affairs of love and war on the Continent to liaisons in the dazzling ballrooms of London. Thackeray's forte is the bon mot and it is amply exercised in a novel filled with memorably wicked lines. Lengthy and leisurely in pace, the novel follows the adventures of Becky and Amelia as their fortunes rise and fall, creating a tale of both picaresque and risqué. Thackery mercilessly skewers his society, especially the upper class, poking fun at their shallow values and pointedly jabbing at their hypocritical "morals." His weapons, however, are not fire and brimstone but an unerring eye for the absurd and a genius for observation of the foibles of his age. An enduring classic, this great novel is a brilliant study in duplicity and hypocrisy…and a mirror with which to view our own times.
名利场,原称Vanity Fair,是英国十九世纪小说家萨克雷的成名作品,也是他生平著作里最经得起时间考验的杰作。是英国较著名的讽刺性批判现实主义小说。故事取材于很热闹的英国十九世纪中上层社会。当时国家强盛,工商业发达,由榨压殖民地或剥削劳工而发财的富商大贾正主宰着这个社会,英法两国争权的战争也在这时响起了炮声。中上层社会各式各等人物,都忙着争权夺位,争名求利,所谓“天下攘攘,皆为利往,天下熙熙,皆为利来”,名利、权势、利禄,原是相连相通的。 故事主角是一个机灵乖巧的漂亮姑娘。她尝过贫穷的滋味,一心要掌握自己的命运,摆脱困境。她不择手段,凭谄媚奉承、走小道儿钻后门,飞上高枝。作为陪衬的人物是她同窗女友、一个富商的女儿。她懦弱温柔,驯顺地随命运播弄。从贫贱进入富裕的道路很不平稳!富家女的运途亦多坎坷,两人此起彼落的遭遇,构成一个引人关怀又动人情感的故事。穿插的人物形形色色,都神情毕肖。“如果我有5000英磅,我也会是一个好女人。”《名利场》里的贝姬·夏普如是说。 然而我要说,即使没有5000英镑,贝姬也是个好女人,胜过万千男子。 |
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